Saturday 5 March 2011

Best Coast on the West Coast.

Wavves. Girls. And yes, Best Coast. I've fallen into that summer music trap that seems to engulf anything other than light-hearted, indie pop. We all have, I'm sure. So when I heard Best Coast were playing at Beck's Music Box, naturally I had to go.

I won't go into to much detail into the proceedings before, suffice to say it was a fantastic day out in Fremantle and Perth, Dorito/Nacho/Student lunch thanks to Reen's mother. Me, N and Glock split off from a larger group (I've shortened Glalock to Glock because it's sounds less awful. It's still an awful codename. Why the fuck do I even have codenames? This is bullshit). We caught the Blue Cat down to the Esplanade, to have a look at Beck's Music Box. As we're walking outside, who should we meet through the fence but...

I was quite surprised, and very happy. I got my organ donor/medic alert card signed.

We headed back to mine, which was an arduous journey to say the least. H.W. and Nu (have I mentioned her before? We fest together, you should remember the name) turn up. We spend a few awkward moments watching Today Tonight with my mum. Then we head down to the Esplanade with my brother and his friends (he has a proper ticket, and all). It takes us a while, seeing as my brother and his friends were a tad intoxicated and time wasters. We get a text from Reen, 'Hurry up, E's here'. If E's already there, we are late. But fortune has it that there is an awful one man band or something playing, and we arrive in time for Best Coast. We set down a blanket and sat down. We weren't the only ones this clever. Many groups were sprinkled along the outskirts. And then they started. I can't really remember the order that they played in, to be honest I listen to albums like these in their entirety and don't make many distinctions, but Boyfriend was a personal highlight. And we had fun.

You should have seen my dancing that night. I was on fire. (Photo's courtesy of Reen, as always)

But the music had to end, and it ended with an old tune, from an old album, that I didn't know. But it was beautiful just the same. I couldn't help feeling sad, deflated, when they finished. H.W. and E felt it too, they are true Best Coast fans and have been so excited for this night. It might have been that we weren't inside, we didn't mosh, that we had conversations while the music was playing. For me, I felt sad because I think I realised this was the end of summer. Today, it has been the first day in a month to not exceed the 30 degree mark. I should make some connection to the Florence + the Machine's song 'The Dog Days Are Over'. But it wouldn't feel right, because Florence is great all year round. Somehow, Best Coast won't feel as perfect, as suited, anymore. It'll be the same, the same notes, the same melody, but I will be different, everyone will. It has truly been the greatest summer, I've had some great times with some great friends and for all the torturous heat, I'll kind of miss it.

Happy Autumn

1 comment:

  1. Great to see young funksters coming to the forE!
